Key features > Combination Valve Reduces field connections and total installed size > Removable Strainer Ease of inspection/cleaning > Multiple Ports Configure exactly what you need Application: Coil Isolation and Protection Functions: Union, strainer, ball valve Dimensions: 1/2” - 2” Pressure class: 400 psig at 250° F (25 Bar at 120° C) Material: Body: DZR Brass Strainer: 20 mesh stainless steel Cv (Kv) - 8.8 (7.6) PT1= Port 1 PL2 = Plug 2 HN3 = Hose End Drain Valve with Cap 3 EH = Extended Handle

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Factory Information

Combination ball valve, y-strainer and union with up to five Combination ball valve, y-strainer and union with up to five (5) accessory port locations. 20 mesh stainless steel strainer om the valve body for inspection and cleaning eaking the main piping. The ball valve has PTFE Combination ball valve, y-strainer and union with up to five (Combination ball valve, y-strainer and union with up to five (5) accessory port locations. 20 mesh stainless steel strainer is removable from the valve body for inspection and cleaning without breaking the main piping. The ball valve has PTFE packing, brass packing nut and blowout-proof stem, large diameter stainless steel ball, stem and a full size steel handle with vinyl grip. The union has a EPDM “O”-ring and tailpiece available in M, F, and S connections. Ball valve end only available in FPT or SWT. One size reduction available for union section. Port 1 available with maximum 1/2” tap for bypass line (option T2).